* Awareness Watch Newsletter is a free monthly publication that highlights the latest resources and sites on the Internet pertaining to current awareness happenings, new and reviewed sources for research and search, knowledge discovery, data mining and related updates and alerts. The November issue futures the Data Mining and Web Data Extraction Resources. These resources will allow you to keep up to date and to monitor the latest happenings in all fields associated with data mining and web data extraction associated with discovering new data and knowledge available over the global Internet. http://www.awarenesswatch.com/
* 2 Collab beta: This Elsevier social bookmarking site can be used to connect, store, share and collaborate information with others, discover new research. It is free and easy to use. Just register and explore the world out there. http://www.2collab.com/home
* D-Lib Magazine: The Nov-Dec issue have number of articles on repositories initiatives. Under "Clips &Pointers" you will find useful information on upcoming conferences in 2008, selected papers, etc. This magazine can be a good source for you to read. http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november07/11contents.html
* Smashing Magazine This magazine is really worth having a look at. It features useful and innovative information for designers and web-developers. The articles are helpful, not too technical, and are good summaries. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/
* InfoVision Summit 17-18 December, 2007: Social Networks, Knowledge Discovery & Innovation. The summit will review the current state and chart out the future of the social networking industry. Relevant processes, technologies, norms, and societal needs of the new era will be outlined. http://www.infovision.org.in/2007/topic/index.html
* Information Online Conference, 4-6 Dec 2007. "Applying Web 2.0: Innovation, Impact and Implementation." http://www.online-information.co.uk/index.html